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Community The Agaran Menace

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Razey, Jan 30, 2014.


The Agarans: Menace or Misunderstood?

  1. Menace

    414 vote(s)
  2. Misunderstood

    333 vote(s)
  3. Mushrooms

    623 vote(s)
  4. Malevolent, Menacing, Misunderstood Mushrooms

    1,319 vote(s)
  1. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Pff. Silly references to games I've never played or even heard of. I don't need you. :lod:

    I have played halo, though, actually, so I'm not THAT bad...

    I really am still that bad. I have no clue what any of this even means. :rofl:
    Owl_Stalker likes this.
  2. Casmyr

    Casmyr Big Damn Hero

    Non my friend, there is many much things out there to know. It can be difficult to know all.

    Halo; The Flood: They are an organism that opperates on the small level of little gassbags called spores that uhm..latch into your back and dig a spike into your nervousystem to hijack you. They use your matter for its Hiveminded needs, and it expands to forms required and to further 'spread' it is an organism that can reproduce rapidly and is confirmed spacefaring (by use of hijacking prexisting tech) they kinda do some area of effect 'ick-gooping' and are pretty gnarly. Like to overwhelm with numbers but will 'grow' heavy hitters in time.

    Warhammer 40k ; Orks : From what I know they are popped out as itty bitty little boyz (they got a language thematic) sizable to a 10yearoldish child? They are a Fungal race that takes humanoid shape and opperates on this strange Spiral Power/Fighting Spirit of Wauugh, highly aggressive and competent at reorienting tech for their own means in a 'Mad Max'-ey road warriors kinda way. The older they get, the bigger they get. They can get prretty big. Granted I think their agression and infighting help make sure they don't get too massive.


    I actually really have loved the idea of Agaran being this sort of 'zombie' of the stars, this galactic menace benign or otherwise. It makes things more exiting having a few 'bad guys' or dangers out in the verse. Since we can guess by now; Tentacles are bad and probably not related as far as we know. Agaran pose as a neat mystery that could be a horrible monstrosity to some (Florans) yet unimportant to others (like Glitch) -- Oh dear I did say I was going to get some screeniework done. Where I play my co-adventurer and I have made home in a cozy Sector X planet that rains fire so it's taking a while to get a build done since we're bad at it. I'm gonna see what I can do getting different race 'N Talk' on the definite Agaran artifacts I have gathered if that has not yet been done?
  3. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    I kinda feel as if agarans are going to evolve into the floran enemy/boss thing.
    Everyone else has a clear enemy. But the florans... not so much.
    Cloudhopper likes this.
  4. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    That is a possibility.

    Both the Florans and the Agarans deserve more, though.
    For actual gameplay/roleplay for the masses (not us, as we seem to want them peaceful, if you look at the important posts), I would say that the Agarans should be an enemy to all the races. If you look at the brand new 1.0 spreadsheet chucklefish posted, you would see that the final boss is "Tentacle" - which I think is silly. That's the human boss. Leave it there.
    The Agarans (once again, for the masses/roleplay) should become the main bad guy, with all races collaborating against them. That would be good.

    As for the Floran boss... Greenfinger, maybe? 0_o
    I don't really care, but the Agarans deserve more, and the Florans deserve less (as in not such a huge mystery).

    Sidenote: Tentacles deserve less, humans deserve more. :p
  5. Cloudhopper

    Cloudhopper Weight of the Sky

    Personally, I think that it'll turn out with the Agarans being Good Guys using Questionable Methods, and that toward the end of the story, someone manages to translate their language and the character finds out that in reality, the agarans are just trying to stop the Big Bad Guy, and that a bunch of them will jump on the screen and take a sizable chunk out of the Final Boss' HP, making him weak enough for the player to slay.

    As for the Floran Boss being Greenfinger, I don't think that's going to happen, since he's pretty much the closest thing to a leader figure that they have. Unless Greenfinger goes full-on Mad Scientist, splices himself with Sunborn DNA, and becomes mad with power, it's probably not reasonable that the Player Character would have to fight him for any reason... :cautious:
  6. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Correction. He already IS mad with power. :p
    I really just have no clue as to what the Floran boss will be.

    As to the Agarans taking out a sizable chunk of final boss' HP, I think it will probably be closer to "We are ATTACKING" *crunch* "We are RUNNING." (that's the Agarans trying to attack and then getting just like blown up and then they run, if you didn't catch that). Or they'll disable some part of him. Maybe the disabled part will even be randomized based on the playthrough. :)
    That's if they're the good guys at all - I personally think they'll be the bad guys, but we will have a reason to sympathize.
    Cloudhopper likes this.
  7. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    Bit off topic, but I feel as if Greenfinger would be more likely be the hylotl boss... seeing as he's essentially the leader of the floran...

    On-topic, though, I doubt the agarans will turn out to be good guys because of the way they are being lead-up to. Plus, a lot of people would rather be able to genocide them, which becomes a bit awkward if they're not evil.
  8. Casmyr

    Casmyr Big Damn Hero

    What if that is exactly what is being done, being hyped as a strange weird new thing. Everyone goes 'burn the zombie' jumping the gun. Then boom, Agaran are like primordial Floran Race that just happen to be poets and scholars. Recanting the history of the stars. Would be a funny twist.
  9. Gav Featherbeak

    Gav Featherbeak Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I have seen what they're capable of now. I spawned on a planet and I just walked around and I saw them take over an Apex Medical Area(?) and they took one of them and put him in a pod, and above that was a giant pod holding something that roared. I also saw an area where they had been released from their cocoons.
    They took over an apex facility!
    One of them was just born I think!
    It roars if you activate it! D:
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2014
  10. Zebe

    Zebe Space Kumquat

    Actually the apex went there by choice. That's what Glitch description says: "Puzzlement. This Apex is alive and well, and appears to have crawled in here by choice."
    There is something fishy going on definitely. And I'm not referring to Hylotls right now.
  11. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    First of all, I just want to say how great that pun was. Second of all, maybe the Agarans are capable of brainwash or telepathy and convinced him to go in there.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2014
    Gav Featherbeak likes this.
  12. Program_024

    Program_024 Title Not Found

    I would say more that the Apex are doing some experimentation with the Agarans. It is interesting to note that the places that have been attacked have been Apex locations. At least those are the assets that are in right now.

    Perhaps Big Ape has authorized some experiments involving the fungi that the Agarans are based off of? Having mindless slaves would be appealing to someone like Big Ape. Why go through the trouble of forcibly controlling the population when you can genetically engineer it? So the green-looking Apex would be the experiment with the Agaran genetic code. So if it escapes for some reason, then it would be under control of the fungi which would compel it to the pods perhaps
    MilkCalf likes this.
  13. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    ... Just read it.
    It's our new guy post. ^^
    Casmyr and Christovski like this.
  14. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    I would agree, however they are not mindless slaves, due to a few gthings. they have been found in places other than apex labs or hospitals, and they have neer been fond working for the pex in any way. also, they ave shoewn that they do have minds of their own by developing a langhge nd attempting to murder florans.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2014
  15. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    You forgot the words, mate.
  16. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    my keyboad isny working
  17. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    I know what that is like!
    The Squid likes this.
  18. megatiger78

    megatiger78 Void-Bound Voyager

    we need to ask the important question: are agarans toads? if they artre were dead. also can they fly? fdo they have a mech?
    MilkCalf and The Squid like this.
  19. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    Holy crap this makes so much sense now
    MilkCalf and Cloudhopper like this.
  20. Christovski

    Christovski Ketchup Robot

    And other important questions like what the heck happened to you making you unable to type like a person D:
    MilkCalf and The Squid like this.

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