July 28th - Crafting Progression

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Jul 28, 2014.

  1. Psycho Hyena

    Psycho Hyena Phantasmal Quasar

    Shouldn't the Mage armour have better protection than the Ranged armour? Psi-Staffs you have to stand still like some kind of idiot while you fire off your slow charging attack. Unless they plan on improving that too.
  2. Ulithium_Dragon

    Ulithium_Dragon Space Kumquat

    It's in no means something that's impossible for them to do. If they have the means to randomly generate weapons, even with visual changes, I see no reason as to why we can't purposefully build weapons. There's a mod on here that lets you do that with all the different vanilla gun parts - take apart and build a gun with the parts you want on it!

    What games have you ever played where mages get more armor rating than rangers? :rofl: I've never even heard of such a game - litterally everything uses the classic RPG combat triangle, even if they just borrow the attribute type sets (by triangle, I was referring to: Warrior beats Ranged, Ranged beats Mage, Mage beats Warrior. I'm not saying that;s what they're doing here, but even if the games "ballance" the combat, they pretty much always stick to the attribute rules used for the triangle: Warriors are slow moving, defensive, and have heavy armor, ranged are quick, keep their distance, and have moderate armor, and mages are very heavy hitters, but slow and with virtually no armor).
  3. Saith Umbrae

    Saith Umbrae Aquatic Astronaut

    I think that this line of thinking is a bit dangerous. Forgive me for bringing up Terraria, but one charm of the game is that you constantly find those strange items that mix up with your weapon, speed, mana, etc'. The feeling there is that although you have only one or two basic fighting strategies every character is a bit unique. The same good phenomenon exists in Master of Orion II where every ship is unique because every weapon has a tweak.

    I suspect that thinking too much in the line of classifying players two three classes then making linear progression in each is not ideal. It would be best if even after progressing to a certain level, it would still make some sense to use our old armour \ weapon for particular situations. Perhaps it is better for ice planets, or for fire creatures, or for bosses. The ideal situation is that the probability of an armour of tier X being the most useful at the time when you play against enemies of tier Y is roughly 2^(X-Y). It would even be better if some later game items make an old armor suddenly stronger so that even on high levels, given the right equipment we would sometimes see someone wearing Tier II armor.

    Otherwise the players feel that at every given moment they have only 3 choices. 3 is greater than 1, but much less then what makes an experience free unique.
  4. Ulithium_Dragon

    Ulithium_Dragon Space Kumquat

    That's how I always played in Terraria lol. My "vanity" slot usually contained my other class, situational armor that I could easily swap to! :]
  5. I hope at some point there is a pet class that utilizes drones and robots, or a tank class that utilizes forcefields. Those would be some cool armor paths.
  6. Shanz

    Shanz Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm currently not using the nightly update, so when do you think the next big update will be with all of these changes? super excited :)
    Ulithium_Dragon likes this.
  7. Musetrigger

    Musetrigger Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I'm sorry. I missed something.

    MysticMalevolence likes this.
  8. Psycho Hyena

    Psycho Hyena Phantasmal Quasar

    Have you used the staff that's in the nightly build? It's easily the worst weapon in the game. If they plan keeping you static while you use its attack you're going to get smacked in the face repeatedly. At least with guns you can slowly backpedal and move around. I was only pointing out another problem that attempting to ape some fantasy game mechanics will bring.
  9. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    *sigh* are we really going to do this?

    You're the second person to tell me that. And I'll answer it the same:

    It makes no bloody sense to put "Sandbox" and "It's all about [X]" in the same sentence.
    You're coming very close to "you're playing it wrong" territory.

    Also, sorry but I'll have to pull the "citation needed" card here. Single Players are most certainly not the minority mate... Skyrim stand as a stalwart proof to that. Many people just want to get home and get lost in a game without having a twat jumping around their screen pickaxing every sodding thing they have.

    look, this isn't a moba or Dark Souls. Sector X is still very much an entire galaxy. Beyond the starting planet, which is usually a mess and you should get out of there ASAP, Chances are, unless you coordinate with your friends/guild, you'll seldom run into anybody. That gives you enough time and space to suit up for PVP.

    as for mixing and matching, remember:
    A jack of all trades is a master of none.

    [warning, All conjecture at this point onwards]
    A mixture of accelerator and manipulator may give you good energy pool and defense, but not great ones of either. A shootout against a full accelerator would have you quick on your feet, because you'll shoot more, but won't take as much. You can try using a staff on him, but as I said before, having staves and guns with same range is just silly. On a psistaff face-off against a pure manipulator will have to end quick and clean, because if he gets one shot out, you're toast. You can try and pick him off at a distance with a sniper rifle if he hasn't noticed you yet. Against a separator, just keep your distance either way, but depending on how balanced that is, you'll do a lot of legging as well.

    So guess what? It does comes down to skill to survive those cenarios.

    Edit: Finally someone mentioned how those staves work.
    Wait, are you serious? You have to stand still to use psi-staves? Ranged combat will absolutely crush it! Hell, if a separator is quick enough, that sci-fi mage is sushi.
    ummm, yeah...

    Ok so using guns against a full manipulator is definitely a surefire (har) way to win... which means more bullets with a manipulator gear. I see your point now.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2014
    IOScream and Shanz like this.
  10. Ulithium_Dragon

    Ulithium_Dragon Space Kumquat

    No, I don't play the nightly builds because I can't use my favorite mods! :]

    But wow, you have to... stand still? A class build the devs themselves called a "glass cannon" has to stand still and charge up attacks!?!? That makes ZERO sense!!! Thank god if we don't like something we can mod it out of existence later... :/
  11. Musetrigger

    Musetrigger Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Guh, if this is so, then they'll probably test it a little while longer.

    I figured someone would try to mod Magic into the game in some form. I didn't think it would make it into the vanilla game, though. That's... ...disheartening.

    Bah, it's easier for me if I associate the scistaff's power with Mass Effect physics.
    BloodyFingers likes this.
  12. Animator

    Animator Cosmic Narwhal

    You are comparing a big-title game like Skyrim that is purposefully sculpted for a single player experience with a game like Starbound that has a focus invested in multiplayer to begin with. You are literally comparing a game that wasn't even intended to have multiplayer to begin with with a game that is not only intended to be multiplayer, but actively advertises that fact.

    For other games, your statement holds true. There are games where single players are the norm, and typically it is; but for this game and other games that have similar incarnations (Terraria, Minecraft), and the vast lists of servers that exist everywhere and social groups that exist, you cannot tell me that there isn't concrete reasoning as to why there would be more people invested in the multiplayer aspect to begin with, especially since the details given out in the future (the ability for server admins to create their own dungeons, the added items for multiplayer PVP, etc) are geared towards making that experience better. There are games where single player is the norm; This is not that game. While people will definitely start with single player to learn how the game works, they will follow suit eventually as they are now.
    Jack of all trades, master of none, though oftentimes better than a master of one. Hey, see? I can do quotes too.
    MysticMalevolence likes this.
  13. Ulithium_Dragon

    Ulithium_Dragon Space Kumquat

    There's already a wizard hat, robes, and a freaking "Wizard" NPC spawner item in the game (which always seems to come out Glitch for me for some extremely odd reason. Maybe a bad joke about how the Glitch are by far the least "magical" race...?). It was only a matter of time! :rofl:

    But yeah, lets go with Mass Effect's "Black Hole Space Magic" here! :F
  14. Phaser Rave

    Phaser Rave Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This sounds incredible!
  15. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    On the spawner, it is not odd at all for it to come out as Glitch all the time. It is coded to only spawn Glitch with the wizard outfit as would be found in the wizard huts. You'd have to mod it for more race possibilities.
  16. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    I'm not comparing games, I'm comparing audiences. You can't tell whether one crowd is larger than the other solely on number of players or servers online. Because players that play offline are...well... offline.

    oh but I can:
    look how many were concerned with a Multiplayer-only content. Enough to have Tiy himself come and clarify the issue (Sector X will have content for single-player as well, though what that is, is as of now unclear). Does that sounds like "more people invested in multiplayer to begin with"?

    You make it sound like single-player is an afterthought in this game. Yet you seem to forget the times before the nightlies came about. People were clamoring for updates to address online issues, then complaining about every little update that didn't had that. In a multiplayer-focused game, making the online work properly would be the first order of business, don't you agree?

    Also, this comes off as you're one of those guys. Y'know, those who call this "Terraria in Space". I simply refuse to make such statements, it is a disservice to the ambitious vision the team have for this game. It has no obligation to be anything like any of those "Similar Incarnations".

    I'll repeat: Starbound is in no capacity a "Spiritual Successor" to any of those games. It is it's own game.

    And there you go again into "You are playing it wrong" territory. I am really not discussing this point anymore. You and many others play this for the online, me and many others play this by our lonesome. Is. That. Clear?

    Jack of all trades, master of none, though oftentimes better than a master of one, but in the end you pick the one who best gets the job done.

    Not only can I quote, I can add to then...
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2014
  17. cho-ran

    cho-ran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Am I the only one confused why Impervium is a glass cannon and not a tank armor set? the name sounds strong and durable, not energetic and fragile.
    Also, red/black is more melee color themed while blue/purple are more magic/mystical looking colors. green and blue work well with ranger/marksman theme though.
    Ulithium_Dragon and Hatsya Souji like this.
  18. DoomFire

    DoomFire Existential Complex

    I like the idea of classes, though I am not too fond of how generic you're making them seem. I am not dismissing that Chucklefish are likely going to expand on them later, but I would just like to offer my suggestions on a direction they might go.
    I also understand that classes are currently restricted simply to the armor direction you choose. But I don't think this would be a very interesting end product for the classes.

    The Separator class, or Tanker / Fighter could be expanded to become more of a mechanic based class. Early game, sure use swords and hammers, use heavy armor to absorb damage.
    But I believe that as you progress the class should become more and more focussed around developing vehicles, mechanics and the likes for engaging combat instead of just making thicker pants.
    Running the class should allow certain unlocks to better the players ability to survive in close range combat. Combining this with a class that can aptly develop technologies to better defend themselves would make for an interesting and diverse class.
    For example, perhaps the Seperator can eventually branch into creating mechs to deal more damage at a close range, or armored vehicles to take more damage but might not deal as much damage.
    Either that or branch into developing things to help fighting along side allies, Whether it be multiple seated vehicles or large shields that absorb damage over a larger area.
    The Accelerator class, or Ranger / Gunslinger could be more orientated towards mobility aside their long ranged weaponry. I would suggest infiltration and sneaking, but the combat in Starbound seems to be VERY head-on.
    Though honestly, I really don't have many ideas about the Accelerator. I just hope it's more diverse than just pewpewpewing monsters.

    The Manipulator class, or Sci...user(?) / Magician I think should be expanded into generic engineering and self alteration. Basically using science to help the body to preform supernatural feats.
    As the class progresses, you could perhaps be able to create technologies, or alter your own body ( at a price, stat-wise ) to do things you might not be able to normally.
    Keeping with the Glass Cannon idea, the Manipulator could alter their bodies in different ways via DNA altering technologies or cybernetic additions at the price of certain negative effects. ( I mostly just want this explanation for magic-like effects. Because plain 'magic' in a sci-fi game kinda irks me a bit. )
    These alteration could allow the player to use special weapons that work with their abilities. Such as the Scistaff and other various Manipulator class weapons.
    The Manipulator might also be able to branch into manupilating the DNA of other creatures to create compainons or create buffs allies. But yeah, just throwing around some ideas.

    I do REALLY hope the different classes turn out to be more interesting than generic Fighter, Ranger, Magician.
    Lecic and kazunenazumu like this.
  19. Zael

    Zael Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Would also like to add to this, that it would be nice to actively research and upgrade your equipment. To manipulate their stats intentionally. Seems a bit silly we can pick entire planets apart, but can't much affect what we're wearing/consisting of at that. Perhaps as an end tier-thing?
    Aerebes and Ulithium_Dragon like this.
  20. Tuesday's Eyebrow

    Tuesday's Eyebrow Phantasmal Quasar


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