July 28th - Crafting Progression

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Jul 28, 2014.

  1. dkdeath

    dkdeath Contact!

    You are full of good ideas today. This is exactly what we need - more build differentiation. However, traditional MMO Classes are restrictive because of the difficult to finds re-specs that are required to match skills and equipment. On the other hand, in Starbound changing classes will be as easy as finding a new gun, returning to ship and putting on a set of armor and active ability to match it. This opens up a lot more possibilities for coop as well as PVP though.
  2. Ulithium_Dragon

    Ulithium_Dragon Space Kumquat

    I think I understood it like this: There are two Energy-related player attributes: Energy Regeneration and Total Energy. Accelerator armor (guns) require a lot of Energy Regeneration, whereas the Manipulators and their new energy staff (sorry, names go by me faster than tachyon particles) requires a very large amount of energy to perform even one attack, and therefore need a lot of augmentation to the Total Energy Pool. I hope this clears things up (and that I understood this correctly haha).

    Just wanted to also so, that I strongly agree with all your points, and hope the devs take note of these rather glaring issues...

    Uh... I think that's pretty much exactly what they said to be honest. Read my explanation above!
    BloodyFingers likes this.
  3. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    ... Good plan.

    I see what ya' did there! :iswydt:
    BloodyFingers likes this.
  4. Lecic

    Lecic Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I still really dislike the idea of those three sectors.
  5. Ulithium_Dragon

    Ulithium_Dragon Space Kumquat

    Then it REALLY shouldn't be named "Impervium" anymore haha... n.nU


    EDIT: Ok that's it, can we get either a MAJOR emoticon overhaul or the option to, I don't know, NOT forcibly have our text converted into emoticons!? How does THIS: :D look anything like THIS: =D (but with a colon instead of an equals sign. I can't use a colon to express my point because it would be automatically converted into an emoticon...)
    or THIS: :rofl: look anything like THIS: X D I would say that's a /facepalm, if we didn't already have a :facepalm: emoticon. WTF is that!?
    And I like to sometimes list points using A) and B ), but B gets turned into THIS automatically: :cool:

    I'm not trying to bash the artists who contributed these emoticons, I just don't like being forced to use them. Texticons are supposed to be vague so each individual person can fill in the blanks and imagine the face how they'd most like it to look...
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2014
    BloodyFingers and UndeadRuckus like this.
  6. dkdeath

    dkdeath Contact!

    Unless I missed something, I don't think the original news item mentions nothing about regeneration, only capacity vs. armor tradeoff. However, considering that we will be able to mix a match, if they match energy capacity to helmets and regeneration to boots (as we have right now) we should still be able to mix a match as needed.
  7. Ulithium_Dragon

    Ulithium_Dragon Space Kumquat

    I took: "The staves will be powerful but require a lot of energy to be used reliably" to mean that you needed a rather large energy pool to use them. Given that they're chargeable weapons, I thought that was what they meant.
  8. Strik3r

    Strik3r Void-Bound Voyager

    I think it'd be cool if the armors affected movement speed:

    The Melee armor being the heaviest, would slow the player.
    The Mage armor would have normal run speed.
    And the Gunner armor would increase movement speed.

    What do you guys think?
  9. Killerdog_19

    Killerdog_19 Space Hobo

    Are you trying to say that there are classes
  10. Entomoligist

    Entomoligist Big Damn Hero

    That would be AWESOME. That's why mixing racial weapons with others would be really cool!
  11. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    I beg to differ here.

    As for the rest, yes you're correct about the new sectors. You'll also recall them saying sector X will have exclusive content for multiplayer, including gear. If any fine tuning is going to happen for pvp, it has to happen there. Forget about obssessing with every little piece of randomized gear.
  12. Melissia

    Melissia Ketchup Robot

    Accelerator sounds useless unless we're able to actually craft guns and maintain a ranged damage appropriate for our planet's level.
    Ulithium_Dragon likes this.
  13. Animator

    Animator Cosmic Narwhal

    Ehh. In a sandbox game that's all about expressing yourself with builds, outfits, homes and the like that's very open ended even after you've gone above and beyond, people more often than not will seek out servers. This isn't a subjective observation; the proof is in the pudding, with not only the lists of available servers here, but also on the subreddit and any others that exist outside of the major hubs for information on the game. I'm pretty certain if most people didn't think it wasn't fun to play with others, there wouldn't be the plethora of servers that we have available everywhere. Just because you're in that minority doesn't make it any less true.
    It's hard not to make the observation about gear when your refutation is about exclusive gear. If anything, it arguably could be worse in various aspects; people get a head start on the PVP world on servers, get the exclusive gear, and then any folk who would have gotten the best possible layout would still be squashed and would have to then adapt to those exclusive weapons instead. It only adds a second step to the point I'm trying to make, which is the game ceasing to be about skill and more about getting the right things, which is contrary to what the devs want the game to be. Let's presume for a moment that the exclusive gear is adjusted to these classes; it still doesn't address the unbalancing that will occur when you swap 'em around and get the ideal combination that is the most efficient in terms of stats. It only escalates that issue to a higher tier, in an area where its impact is far clearer.

    Then again, this is all pure speculation going by what's being posted now. For all I know, the devs have probably already know and had the foresight to handle this with their own plans. That still doesn't make the point any less valid.
  14. neosuduno

    neosuduno Aquatic Astronaut

    Sadly, I concur. That crafting method is long past due.
    Ulithium_Dragon likes this.
  15. Maximus

    Maximus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Looking good so far! Keep up the work! ;)
  16. Stylµs

    Stylµs Phantasmal Quasar

    Terrible and pointless. Stop trying to force us to play a certain way.. With all the procedural crap you've got going on, why can't you just do something like Borderlands does? It's deeply satisfying and not so difficult to implement.
    Madzai likes this.
  17. RandomosityFV

    RandomosityFV Big Damn Hero

    This actually sounds quite good, gives some more foundation to particular play styles, while adding the choice to mix and match, I am interested to see how this will pan out.
  18. Lecic

    Lecic Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    It looks like only the Novakid will be crafting guns. I have a feeling there will be a lot of Novakids wearing Accelerator armor...

    This only gives more ways for people to play. Currently, people can't play ranged or "mage" because the weapons are too weak and the energy cost is too high. So, instead of people all using melee and occasionally using these for niche opportunities, people will actually play ranged or "mage".
  19. Ulithium_Dragon

    Ulithium_Dragon Space Kumquat

    I'm curious what you mean by "...something like Borderlands does..."? I'm an avid Borderlands fan, since pretty much the launch of the original title, and I;m sorta confused as to what you mean. In borderlands, you have to chose one character, who's bio and powers have been completely filled out for you, with little to no personalization options apart from "custom skins and heads". You can pick one of three sub-classes from within each class. From what the devs said here, it seems like they're trying to flesh-out what has been an incredibly lackluster combat system, full of huge, gaping exploitable flaws that felt more repetitive and boring than stabbing a pitch fork up an obese pig's arse over and over again until you got bored and when to go play something else. Because let's face it - as it it, most of the game is melee. Guns are rare, and usually extremely useless. They are unleveled for pretty much any planets - even guns you get on level 10 X quadrant planets can't compare to the best Impervium-crafted melee weapons on even planets as low as level 6...

    From what they're describing here, it seems like they're attempting to diversify the combat system, allowing for more different play styles, as well as completely hybrid "classes" (which isn't the right word - you're not being locked into anything and never will be, apart from what race you choose, and with a lack of racial abilities, this only seems to affect what lines of dialog the NPC's say to you right now and what skin your ship gets... All I'm saying, is any change to the combat system is welcome in my book!
    Mackinz likes this.
  20. JennShii

    JennShii Pangalactic Porcupine

    Even though it would probably mean a lot more work, I think it would be neat if all the tier armors are just plain but have "augment slots" or something so you can customize them to suit your needs. Perhaps "wool inserts" or "internal heating" augments could provide better protection from the cold, something like "chain mail" or "under armor" could provide better defense (maybe a percentage of the armor's benefits?), and "battery packs" or "micro generator" as energy improving inserts. Part of this idea comes from the Avali mod armor inserts, and I'm pretty sure I have some more subconscious references to other games but I can't think of anything right now.

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