Monster combat changes

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. ChristBorn

    ChristBorn Big Damn Hero

    Call me crazy, but I want the animals in Starbound to act like animals.
    1. An animal should have a hunger bar.
    2. An animal should have a place it calls home.
    3. An animal should learn what's going to attack it (mostly if players are or aren't).
    4. An animal should have a personal space.
    1. An animal that's hungry should eat either plants or herbavores or the player. That means attacking, having the attacked animal drop meat, and having the hungry animal pick up the meat. It also means players could loot hungry animal kills with the right timing.
    2. An animal should defend its home, attacking other animals or players or NPC's it finds there. Even if that's an area of (relatively) flat some radius in size.
    3. Aggressive animals should defend themselves by running away from potential pain, either having seen another animal hurt or having been hurt themselves. This would mean predators chasing prey across planet surfaces.
    4. If an animal can't escape, it should turn and fight if a threat gets close enough.
  2. Spiral Knight

    Spiral Knight Twenty-three is number one

    I know a lot of people seem to think this is great, but to me it sounds awful.

    How is his a simplified shield mechanic? I was just blocking when i felt like it, now it has some bullcrap limit and timing system.

    The inclusion of 'more advanced combat' is really just something I don't understand the value of here. It's just going to make getting around more tedious because you'll have to stop and be 'strategic' with every petty monster. What if you run into multiple enemies? It's not like that's at all uncommon. You already have to deal with terrain and weapon choice- which is also changing in a way I just don't see a benefit in- and all the different monster types you can run into. Why make it more of an ordeal?

    Particularly when you consider some more casual gamers possibly being entirely turned off from it. I mean, me? I'll deal with it. I just think it is not an improvement. Having to deal with strategy while lagging isn't going to be at all pleasant either... that's already half luck as is.

    Yeah, not looking forward to it folks.
    Sartorius and Piccolo like this.
  3. Solomon Darling

    Solomon Darling Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So, I didn't really had the time to read through all 292 comments, so forgive me if this has already been said, but...

    Personally, I think two-handed weapons should also have "health" (but less than shields). That would leave the "block in the last second" mechanic to one handed weapons, in case you're dual-wielding - or using a one-handed weapon + gun. I think it would be pretty nice if you could slash a monster, block its attack to knock it away and then shoot it in the face :)

    Following that logic we have:

    1H + Shield = Less power, more defense.
    2H = Balanced power and defense.
    Dual-wield / 1H + Gun = More power, less defense.

    It may not be the most realistic option, but gameplay-wise, it seems the most logical (and fun) way to me.

    Anyway, I love the new combat system idea. Great job :)
    Ravager and Hatsya Souji like this.
  4. Jarod

    Jarod Cosmic Narwhal

    I'm not sure you guys can comprehend how much I appreciate these changes being made! It takes a lot of courage to scrap an old system people have already gotten used to. I love guys so much and think these changes will really give depth to the combat system while EXPANDING the potential of it. The old system had run out of potential pretty fast. Personally, my favorite weapon has been 2 handed hammers, I loved the well timed dodge hits to one shot enemies. I also used dual-wielding a little; these changes make me quite excited now about the new dual wielding combat style! Instead of forcing the enemy into a horizontal position and raining the damages upon them, I should be able to jump around them while poking! But then I look back at my old favorite and realize I don't have to dodge holding a massive hammer, I can simply charge in there and use the old parry smack attack. Or maybe I can switch between these 2 while weakening them with the dual blades and finishing with a smack to that fiend's head like thing!?!?!?! That is why I am so excited about this new system ;). BUT I DO HAVE A REQUEST. With the implementation of parrying with two-handed weapons, I feel like they aren't as reliant on dodging like the other weapons... So you should DEFINITELY implement weight into the weapons!!! Weapons are currently pretty similar to each other so even though they might be "unique" they play the exact same; making certain weapons gain damage but simultaneously weight would increase the diversity of weapons while increasing fun! BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE!!!! Implement different weights into armor!!! Then you can decide to trade mobility for tankiness!
  5. Jarod

    Jarod Cosmic Narwhal

    Nice ideas, hey Chucklefish, give this guy a hug.
  6. Adurna

    Adurna Big Damn Hero

    Good. The most annoying thing with how the game works currently, is how every monster is at least twice as fast as the player and can run into you, dealing lots of damage, often multiple times before you can react or fend them off. I literally ended up exploiting their AI by trapping them with terrain in order to survive, because otherwise I'd die constantly and never have pixels for upgrades. To be completely honest, the bosses were easier than common enemies, because at least they did more than simply trying (and often succeeded) to ram you, which means having time to think about your strategy and avoid their attacks.
  7. NeoFoxx000

    NeoFoxx000 Phantasmal Quasar

    The concept looks good, but curiosity doth pique me... as far as the timed blocking and parries go, will it be possible to deflect a ranged attackers projectile and/or reflect it back at the attacker?

    Also will this change also apply to humanoid hostiles?
  8. RiokuTheSlayer

    RiokuTheSlayer Phantasmal Quasar

    Only one thing.

    PLEASE add some sort of Combos. or something simmilar. I don't like the blandness of swinging a sword the same exact way over and over, some sort of randomized attacks or something (i.e. uppercut then plain old attacking, ect.) would make combat so much better.
    XRiZUX and Piccolo like this.
  9. Lazer

    Lazer Existential Complex

    I love everything in this update!

    Please do this. I love you.
    Mianso, Duke, Ravager and 1 other person like this.
  10. Bumber

    Bumber Pangalactic Porcupine

    I was under the impression it had already been removed, and that monsters just lacked the animations. I take it this refers to the hitbox rather than the timing?
    Piccolo likes this.
  11. ChristBorn

    ChristBorn Big Damn Hero

  12. JademusSreg

    JademusSreg Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    The proposed changes satisfy many of the combat mechanic designs I've outlined. The only suggestion I may provide is that touch damage be removed and replaced by a thorny-spiny-spiky-pokey set of parts in the monstergen.
  13. Jakev8v

    Jakev8v Void-Bound Voyager

    Great ideas. Very good for one to one combat with a monster, but how would it work when there are lots of monsters?
  14. Colaymorak

    Colaymorak Big Damn Hero

    Oh heck yes, I love the sound of this!
    Or look maybe? I am not hearing anything but instead reading it...
    Whatever, it looks like an awesome way to revamp combat and I love it.
  15. RainDreamer

    RainDreamer Existential Complex

    The drawings are so cute~
  16. Namiwakiru

    Namiwakiru Black Hole Surfer

    Well that would be the challenge. Like any other game that has combat mechanics, you would have to be tactical, watching all monsters and reacting to the biggest threat.

    To put it another way, multiple monsters would still be operating under the same systems, it's you who have to rise to the challenge.
  17. hoschelhoff

    hoschelhoff Starship Captain

    A shield regenerating HP? Seems more logical to have a stamina bar.
  18. Prime262

    Prime262 Void-Bound Voyager

    Somebody spilled darksouls in my Starbound and i absolutely love it
  19. dysekt0r

    dysekt0r Big Damn Hero

    Really awesome idea! Can't wait to see it in action.
  20. Shade Final

    Shade Final Scruffy Nerf-Herder

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