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Charlton says hello!

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Charlton McVicar, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut

    No proof that Agarans convert Florans into themselves.

    And even so, it's only your moral compass that says that it's the greater evil.

    I could rebuttal and say that the endless experimentation and constant application odd tests of Big Ape and the Miniknog are far more unseemly.
  2. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Here's the thing. They do that to their own race. In layamans terms they keep it to their backyard most of the time. Agarans steal the backyards of the neighbors
  3. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut

    I still see no proof of infection of anyone.

    And even if there were, it'd be Florans. Which is a FLORAN problem.
  4. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

    I say hello back!
  5. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Apex pod says otherwise. Also lets stop this off topic discussion. This thread was made for ingame sighting reports. Take this debate back to the Agaran Menace. Unless you can find in game proof of your claims that proves they are harmless or even benevolent.
    Charlton McVicar likes this.
  6. Animator

    Animator Cosmic Narwhal

    And yet, hilariously enough, despite the Hylotl having no actual signs of hostility or oppression whatsoever (since there's no lore for it), every single other species finds them annoying to a certain extent.

    This is why I kill everyone equally, if they're hostile.
  7. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut

    Boy that sure is a lo of statements with no proof.

    If you asked a glitch, you'd find out that Apex went in, not were put in.

    Also we've no proof of Floran's position on Agarans and hostility. They're disturbed by the pods, there's nothing suggesting that Florans are disturbed or even frightened by the Agarans. And the Florans are united, albeit loosely, they clearly have some universal spanning organizations/government bodies.
  8. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Still off topic. That has nothing to do with ingame proof
  9. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut

    Why don't you bring that point up to all the people who say it?

    Cause I'm sure getting tired of you singling me out when there's more than several folks who are just as much 'off topic' as me.
  10. Shaadaris

    Shaadaris Giant Laser Beams

    Okay, so they inhabit buildings made by others... And?
    I've seen Avians living in Glitch-style houses before. Does that mean they killed the Glitch and took the house over? I sincerely doubt it. Stop making up nonexistant evidence.
    beari78 likes this.
  11. SivCorp

    SivCorp Parsec Taste Tester

    A friendly reminder.....

    Now, step to it! :proper:

    Keep the speculation to the menace thread.
    Charlton McVicar likes this.
  12. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    I found a wild space eel mutant eat an Agaran in one bite!
    Therefore, the Agarans are just slimy silicone cubes.

    I'll stalk McVicar later today, after I banish Dreadwing from Narnia.
    We will be having a talk McVicar.
  13. Charlton McVicar

    Charlton McVicar Investigative Reporter NPC

    I'm getting a sinking feeling that Agaran agents have infested this thread.
  14. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    It would seem so. I've run into more agarans in various states but nothing I haven't already posted so I decided to filter out my findings until there is something new to report.
    Hawk Novablast likes this.
  15. ^ What he said.
    Keep RP squabbles outta here, guys! We're looking for info about the Agarans.
  16. beari78

    beari78 Guest

    The Agaran Menace was for photos. Then this happened on page one. @DeltaV made the theory post.
  17. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    That's why this exists sicne Agaran Menace has gone completely iredeemable so best to split theory from actual sightings
  18. beari78

    beari78 Guest

    Oh.... Took them longer to figure that out than I expected. 95 pages. :rofl:
  19. Shaadaris

    Shaadaris Giant Laser Beams

    I'm going to be considerate for anyone who doesn't want to read my little rant and post it really small (because I don't think we have spoiler tags) so it has minimum impact on the thread.
    Sorry if I'm being a bit dense here, but if this thread doesn't allow for speculation and theories, then what exactly is it here for? I got the "information" bit, but essentially all the "info" we have of the Agarans is our opinions, I mean, asides from the pregenned structures that have all already been posted here twice over by everyone. Since there's no proper evidence ingame yet that the Agarans are a menace or just misunderstood, it seems like the only real point is to post semi-repetative posts about "oh hey! I saw one! Here's a picture! And another! And another! And here's one with a dog and a pod! Here's another... with another dog and another pod. Oh hey, this one has a hat and this one's speaking in English because unimplemented guard dialog." Once again, I may be missing the point horribly, but honestly, I don't see a point in a thread made by a fictional character if roleplay discussions aren't allowed.
    Well, whatever. I've probably just offended everyone with my off-topic post, so this will probably be my last post in the thread, lest I get banned or some equally ridiculous nonsense for posting my thoughts.

    Now back to your scheduled programming... Good day, everyone.
    beari78 likes this.
  20. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

    ((I have the feeling this was also an invitation to fan art and the such. Also, some stuff can be pretty rare in the world gen so some people might see something noone else has. Like this strange obelisk that was mentioned, I am still looking for it.

    Oh, and there are spoiler tags. Not sure what the code is anymore.))

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