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Community The Coordinates Megathread - Enraged Koala

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by BRAWW, Jan 31, 2014.

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  1. FoxDE

    FoxDE Void-Bound Voyager

    You could always use a bubble boost in the meantime:

    X -34407118
    Y 74969999
    Sector X
    X Zormedra Majoris II a

    Bubble Boost in a surface tech chest

    (I already posted this before, but I figured it was quicker than going through the different pages for the posting.)
  2. t.ferabend

    t.ferabend Void-Bound Voyager

    if anyone finds the vanity armour called 'oxygen tank', please post a location of where to find it
    also, it is different to the survival system

    also, a planet with a plasma rilfe, just rifle, not shotgun, not sniper, not sticky bullets, just a plasma rifle shooting those regular red or green bullet shaped bullets would be nice
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2014
  3. t.ferabend

    t.ferabend Void-Bound Voyager

    possible aggaran thing
    x: 932453
    y: 37955618
    sector x
    biome: desert
    X councilos 463
    planet III
    if you head left, shortly after an avian house, you should see this weird humanoid person, probably an agaran but i have no evidence on what it is. further on is an avian underground temple but i think these guys are more interesting, whatever they are.

    Attached Files:

  4. TheLegitimantis

    TheLegitimantis Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Alright, second post, here we go.

    Found something real interesting, a gas giant with eight moons! (well, seven, because one is an asteroid field)

    I haven't explored any of them yet, because none are level 10, but I still thought that'd be interesting to post here.

    eight moons.PNG
    The only mod I am using is Spacebound, which does not change gameplay. It simply makes the game look nicer (hence the green gas giant)
    OS: Windows 7 64 bit

    In the same solar system, Orbit 3 has some interesting planets in it. III is a level 10 tundra, and has an avian village to the left.

    III a is a level 10 grasslands, and has an avian airship about a day's worth of bubble boost assisted travel to the left.
  5. TheLegitimantis

    TheLegitimantis Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That is a Rainbow Biome, and those are Apex that were experimented on by the Miniknog because they 'knew too much' apparently.

    The weird green things on the ground are neonmelons, and can be picked for food. The trees are rainbow trees, which drop rainbow wood, which can be either made into rainbow wood planks, or into furniture (with the blueprints for it) The blueprints are found in rainbow chests which are usually spread around the biome.
  6. t.ferabend

    t.ferabend Void-Bound Voyager

    ok thanks but i only didn't know about those being apex
  7. blinkbox

    blinkbox Space Hobo

    Anyone know where a USMC base is in ether Alpha or Beta sector?
  8. ro-borg 37

    ro-borg 37 Void-Bound Voyager

  9. ro-borg 37

    ro-borg 37 Void-Bound Voyager

    go find a pirate ship! ( it's in the air, but you will see it :giggle:)

    they have gun you can buy!

    I will post about a planet I think haves a one, but only if it haves one... keep looking!
  10. ro-borg 37

    ro-borg 37 Void-Bound Voyager

    (I mean it) D:
  11. ro-borg 37

    ro-borg 37 Void-Bound Voyager

    I did find one in A, I think.
    (sorry, but I did just beat the first boss...BUT I still think!)

    if it was not in A, then it was in B, hope it help! (a little I guess it help..)
  12. Chexx

    Chexx Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I've added some screenshots of where i'd found it, but if ya want....


    X: -5045328
    Y: 19403082

    ...here are coordinates.
    ro-borg 37 likes this.
  13. t.ferabend

    t.ferabend Void-Bound Voyager

    they aren't the plasma weapons i'm looking for, the guns sold on the avian airships only shoot bullets not plasma bullets, also a level 10 planet is where i hope to find one,
    just to let you know

    also just found out that florans in a floran prison drop the plasma weapon i'm after so i'll be heading to one of those
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2014
  14. Saaraf

    Saaraf Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    What version of starbound is it? Is the morphball the only cool thing on the planet? 'Cause I'm looking for a good planet with lots of ores.
  15. corvuk

    corvuk Aquatic Astronaut

    X Zeta Oph Majoris II a
    desert, threat 6. win7 on enraged koala

    x: 48231289
    y: -21267542

    head left a fair way to find two wizard towers immediately next to eachother. be careful of the acid rain.
  16. Sifalion

    Sifalion Void-Bound Voyager

    I found a Flappy Fancy Hat, on a chest in the water, on the surface of the planet. :)

    And now, a question. Someone know how can i have this block ? http://starbounder.org/Cloud_Block
    Thanks in advance !
  17. ro-borg 37

    ro-borg 37 Void-Bound Voyager

    ok, thx.

    and hey, can i see the pics? i'm going there now...
  18. ro-borg 37

    ro-borg 37 Void-Bound Voyager

    oh, I ya, I forgot.

    that I HAVE ONE! you get them from the Gs..... I cleared half of one.... when I WAS ON L !!!!!!
  19. ro-borg 37

    ro-borg 37 Void-Bound Voyager

    oh ya, you get them from were you just say..
  20. Saaraf

    Saaraf Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Anyone looking for a great Gamma sector planet? Here are the coordinates X: 83005247 Y: 63787834.
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