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Terraria Vs. StarBound (Poll/Argument)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Slice Of Cake, Dec 7, 2013.



  1. Terraria

  2. Starbound

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  1. Madzai

    Madzai Phantasmal Quasar

    How Starbound can count as nextgen if good part of game mechanic is based on "isometric 80s classics - Castlevania, Zelda, Metroid" (from "about Starbound"). It's like releasing new Battlefield with Doom 2 controls and game mechanic and calling it a nextgen.
  2. Slice Of Cake

    Slice Of Cake Phantasmal Quasar

    You can like both but the poll is a one sided argument so there is no option to select two.
  3. Bearminator

    Bearminator Subatomic Cosmonaut

    At THIS precise moment (it's a little lame because Starbound is still in early beta) i feel more addicting Terraria.
  4. LarryTheLastStarfighter

    LarryTheLastStarfighter Astral Cartographer

    Here is the end all argument:


    Seriously, I was a huge skeptic at first about this- I truly thought Starbound would be a beefed up Terraria clone.
    But as I play Starbound (and turned around and played Terraria) both although fundamentally similar bring very different types of playing to the table.

    I find Terraira to be great to just pick up quick and play, the accessibility of building is unmatched. In fact, if I were to introduce someone to this genre- I would honestly pick Terraria to show them.
    With that said, Starbound is an extremely immersive game with survival elements challenging but incredibly fun, it is highly based on the character development and the adventures that entails.

    I honestly didn't think a first, but now I truly believe this are to completely different and completely awesome games. The are both made absolutely PERFECT!
    dionysus81 likes this.
  5. uldupits

    uldupits Orbital Explorer

    Totaly true..
  6. ChristBorn

    ChristBorn Big Damn Hero

    Starbound is essentially an unofficial Terraria 2. It is like Terraria in all the ways that matter, and is improving upon it in all the ways we can think of.
  7. welly321

    welly321 Orbital Explorer

    The fact is, right now, terraria is a much better game. Starbound is way to bland and I hope the devs add alot more content because right now its boring.
  8. Visionary

    Visionary Twenty-three is number one

    I like both games, A LOT. Terraria is what got me in the sandbox universe, for good. I have many hours of Terraria and I think most of you can imagine the delight it was to me hearing about Starbound when it first started being developed. That being said, I just think, as many already pointed out, that Starbound is the next step on this genre's evolution. Starbound takes what was good in Terraria and expands it to literally astronomic proportions. I would say Terraria is the Super Mario World, always a classic, noteworthy title, while Starbound is Super Mario 64, a new concept of and old genre, that broadens the game to new possibilities.
  9. Caldera3

    Caldera3 Void-Bound Voyager

    You've posted in a Starbound forums. Most people are going to vote starbound.
  10. Slice Of Cake

    Slice Of Cake Phantasmal Quasar

    There are some people voting terraria
  11. Visionary

    Visionary Twenty-three is number one

    I voted both, because it's possible :rofl:
  12. welly321

    welly321 Orbital Explorer

    Games weak
  13. Caldera3

    Caldera3 Void-Bound Voyager

    Key word most.
  14. Squeegy

    Squeegy Starship Captain

    This poll isn't biased at all. I should go to the RNC and ask them if abortion is bad.

    What a shame every FPS in existence is essentially an unofficial Doom sequel.
  15. Tigerr13

    Tigerr13 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Lets compare a barely beta product with a finished product that just had a massive content patch a couple of months ago!
  16. Pizzarugi

    Pizzarugi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Starbound is incomplete and already offers more stuff than Terraria does.
    - Infinite land, bearing in mind you can travel to other worlds rather than being stuck on one.
    - Monsters are more unique. Terraria mobs have basic 'suicide' tactics where the best way to kill you is to run straight at you until one of you dies. Starbound has monsters with special attacks that doesn't require them to headbutt you all the time.
    - You can build your own town in Starbound, with villager/guard spawners and more. What do you get on Terraria? A handful of specialist vendor NPCs.
  17. 2DBurrito

    2DBurrito Star Wrangler

    You know the funny thing about this Thread, the poll allows you to pick both which to me means that i pick both. Why cant we just have both......OH WAIT, YOU CAN..

    Starbound = Intergalactic Madness, which then means ULTRA FUN
    ULTRA + MEGA = StarAria
    Terraria = Single Set RPG Momentum, which then means MEGA FUN

    Until somebody makes 'StarAria' i will not be happy with 'ChuckleFish' or ' Re-Logic', but for now MEGA and ULTRA are EQUIVALENT.
    just to state, tetris will always have its place in my colon
  18. DQ / Zenority

    DQ / Zenority Lucky Number 13

    i wonder how Terraria 2 will fare against Starbound.
  19. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    I don't see it living up to it at all. Not once starbound is complete
    DQ / Zenority likes this.
  20. DQ / Zenority

    DQ / Zenority Lucky Number 13

    Even though it'd most likely be frowned upon, maybe Terraria could copy Starbound and introduce Space travel. Surely with its already wide variety of weapons, enemies, and biomes, Terraria needs a new.. shtick? (i think thats the right word)
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