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Important BETA RELEASE DISCUSSION - DECEMBER 4TH (*ALL* beta discussion goes here. Other threads deleted)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Jul 6, 2013.

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  1. Andrei The Boss

    Andrei The Boss Space Hobo

    It Would be soooo awesome if you guys made it so mobs fell through platforms cuz I got some barbed wire and I think it whould be cool to make traps.
  2. SquintersTheOtter

    SquintersTheOtter Space Hobo

    is this where you leave suggestions?cause if it is i have a suggestion!i just think you should be able to destroy planets! like i know it would be a serious griefing tool just.i think you should have server options! cause i wanna destroy planets! it just sounds fun... plus im kinda power hungry!
  3. SquintersTheOtter

    SquintersTheOtter Space Hobo

    is this where you leave suggestions?cause if it is i have a suggestion!i just think you should be able to destroy planets! like i know it would be a serious griefing tool just.i think you should have server options! cause i wanna destroy planets! it just sounds fun... plus im kinda power hungry!

    BLAKETHESNAKEEE Intergalactic Tourist

    haters be hateing but i still love this game can i get a hell ya
  5. linkrosewater

    linkrosewater Void-Bound Voyager

    im having tons of fun and i hate to gripe but whats the point of a beta without feedback, right? so here are a few issues im having.
    crashes and forced window sizing: whenever i switch planets the game crashes, on top of that if i stay still, especially in my ship it'll shrink the window down super tiny, sometimes i can make it bigger again and other times i have to restart.
    Gold rarity: i understand that to promote planetary travel some sources need to be scarce on many planets so you'll go to nearby ones but when you consider that gold seems to only be teir 1 it is entirely too rare and a bulk of the item you need it for seem not worth it. not sure if this complaint is premature or not, if there are alot more items that the gold is useful for then that'll almost be perfectly fine, but at least for me it'll need to be alot more then a pickaxe, a suit of armor and a small chance at my 2nd race exclusive armor.
    UFO boss fight: i still have alot of trouble with the ufo, and needing to remake the beacon everytime is really annoying. i've tried about 7 times solo and i died within the the first 3 mins each time, and 3 more times with two friends who did beat it. they even gave me steel weapons equipment to fight it with and it still kills me no matter the strategy i try. this is another iffy issue since i dont know if i suck at this, am still underprepared dispite having weapons and armor you cant get until AFTER you beat this boss, or if the devolopement played this boss to death to the point they feel this is a standard difficulty. but in any case could you please look into the bosses abit more please?

    planet travel UI options: i'd like a way to save planet locations to a list please, while i like being able to go back to the old days of having to write game data down elsewhere yourself, the more planets you go to that you like, the more unwieldy that'd get in a hurry, not really a real issue but it'd be nice.
    chests looting: a loot all function would be nice, or a quick stock function for adding stuff in chests, again not a real issue but a nice addition.
  6. linkrosewater

    linkrosewater Void-Bound Voyager

    Hell ya!
  7. linkrosewater

    linkrosewater Void-Bound Voyager

    Hell ya!
  8. Enthusiasm

    Enthusiasm Intergalactic Tourist

    I wasn't sure where to post this, so I guess I'll drop it here.
    "it's" should be "its"
    It's not a big deal, but I wanted to point it out anyway. :]

    Attached Files:

  9. Thecokegolem

    Thecokegolem Void-Bound Voyager

    Some shields have their description something along the lines of "There needs to be a description here."
  10. rosque

    rosque Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hey um, I hope this is the right place to put this. Pixel stuff is too expensive. I really don't understand why things should cost so much to /break down/. I don't understand why breaking things down should have a cost at all, aside from the item's destruction, which is a great idea. The 3d printer also often erases items but doesn't put them in the list.

    ...Also I accidentally deleted my legendary weapon. I like having a deletion thing, but.. if there could be a button, possibly with the usual 'confirm delete y/n [ ] never show this message' message that pops up when you press it next to the trash, that would be cool.

    Oh. Definitely seconding that planet list idea. Writing down coordinates is difficult, if you get one of any of the 16 wrong it'll be useless.
  11. Sophiera

    Sophiera Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Quite a lot of NPC dialogues are broken at the moment too. More fodder to the angry koala :p
  12. MonkeyRaff

    MonkeyRaff Tentacle Wrangler

    I have pre-order the game but I was on vacation and only came back yesterday. Where can I download it?
  13. TearOfTheStar

    TearOfTheStar Tentacle Wrangler

    Hey ppl!

    So, as i understand with next patch we will lose our worlds? When it will happen?
  14. seren

    seren Space Hobo

    Hey I'm not sure where to put this, but I think it would enhance the game a lot if we could move the health/energy bar or change the HUD settings. Being able to see my hunger, and temperature all the time would help.
    Also a togglable health bar over the character? I find it difficult to pay attention to combat and the health bar at the top left.
  15. rjosro

    rjosro Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    so milling about as i usually do.... I have come up with a few suggestions for things I would personally like to see in game....so i ask:

    WHAT IF ???

    some planets got too hot

    trees could fall on you/enemies and do damage

    there was a form of fishing? (maybe you could put the fish in those tanks?

    there were... gravity!?


    you could combine different tech together into one?

    you could expand your ship?

    just a few things I had thought of
  16. Superratz

    Superratz Big Damn Hero

    I have this problem too, I am left handed I can't use the WASD Key, I got to keep my mouse on the left hand side and some how have to left go of the mouse to use the Keyboard which make things harder for me.
  17. Superratz

    Superratz Big Damn Hero

    Hi I have a problem with crashing and laging when you teleport to a Planet, most of the time this happens to me when I die and I get send back to my ship. when I teleport back to the planet I will either lag for a while or the game will crash, most of time the game will crash on me. I will stay strong and I really have high hopes for this game.
  18. Bazzyboss

    Bazzyboss Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah, this game is pretty poorly optimized right now, lags every once and while, and crashes a lot.
  19. demiant

    demiant Astral Cartographer

    Please add the "Visited" label in planet description!
  20. demiant

    demiant Astral Cartographer

    Please add some kind of minimap, and the ability to teleport from the ship to the custom location, wich i can choose on minimap!
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