[BBTS] Bronies Beyond the Stars V2.0

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Clan BBTS, Mar 24, 2013.

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  1. Igeloi

    Igeloi Phantasmal Quasar

    I like how nobody noticed my invisible text up there.
    Gredd18 and Ἄνουβις like this.
  2. Igeloi

    Igeloi Phantasmal Quasar


    I found this...Someone colout this...i am waaaay to lazy.
  3. Luna! <3
    Gredd18 likes this.
  4. DiscontentWithTheSystem

    DiscontentWithTheSystem Big Damn Hero

    Giving some free Steam coupons:
    10% Off Shadow Warrior
    25% Off Shadow Warrior
    25% Off Volgarr the Viking
    33% Off Foul Play.
  5. Gredd18

    Gredd18 Giant Laser Beams

    Yes, You are.
    You're the Luna Ringleader.
    You Cannot Deny It.
    (No, Seirously, You Can't Deny it. I Voted you in, and You can't quit unless I vote you out.)
    And Muffins.
    Don't Forget the Muffins!
  6. Igeloi

    Igeloi Phantasmal Quasar

  7. Mercury Gilado

    Mercury Gilado Existential Complex

    Sure you are.

    You are part of the Bananarama, but you're standing near the punch bowl, since you're a Luna.

  8. ._.
    Gredd18 likes this.
  9. Spirittis

    Spirittis Phantasmal Quasar

    I don't know why this particular pic... don't ask me... I just like it... ^^

    *artist: beavernator.deviantart.com
  10. Tlarby

    Tlarby Guest

    Once upon a time there was a lonely man named XxXbRoNIbOiQuIkSkOpEzXxX. He died. The end.
  11. Plague Doctor

    Plague Doctor Void-Bound Voyager

    11/10 would read again.
    Spirittis and Tlarby like this.
  12. Igeloi

    Igeloi Phantasmal Quasar

    12/π would read endlessy
    Gredd18 and Spirittis like this.
  13. Spirittis

    Spirittis Phantasmal Quasar

    I personally like the plot twist the most...
    Gredd18 likes this.
  14. Plague Doctor

    Plague Doctor Void-Bound Voyager

    More like 12/Your mom!

    Burn bitch.:cool:
  15. Auraknight

    Auraknight Weight of the Sky

    You're just upset that you can't have pi with your lobotomized head.
    Gredd18 and Spirittis like this.
  16. Gredd18

    Gredd18 Giant Laser Beams

    Awesome Story. Loved the Plot, and the twist.
    11/10, A Sequel would be supreme.
    Anyway, I've GTG bed, But Lucario In Pokemon Y is OP with a megastone and power-up punch or Aura sphere.
    Spirittis likes this.
  17. RedScarWolf

    RedScarWolf Spaceman Spiff

  18. Gredd18

    Gredd18 Giant Laser Beams

    You're murdered by Purple Badger. The End.
    Night for Reals!
  19. RedScarWolf

    RedScarWolf Spaceman Spiff

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