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Daily Updates Tiy

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by MrDragco, Sep 23, 2013.


Yes or No

  1. Cake

    110 vote(s)
  2. Daily Update

    44 vote(s)
  1. Quantum

    Quantum Spaceman Spiff


  2. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    None of the devs even tried to give us an update.
    It's been an entire week since the last one.
    Molly, we're sure there has been tons of progress over the whole week. Updates, plz!
  3. RynCage

    RynCage 3.1415926535897...

    The power of interpretation, A strange and bizarre phenomena rarely encountered on the internet let alone a forum.
    Clearly, you are gifted.
  4. jatie1

    jatie1 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    what is this threads purpose in the universe?
  5. Paco495

    Paco495 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Look, in the end we want a playable game with hardly any bugs right? SO let them work on the game. I like the daily updates, but I have no ill will if it does show up for days or weeks or heck, even months.

    My advice to folks that live or die by the daily update....go buy a humble bundle for a buck (pls pay more, as it benefits the needy) and play those games for a while.

    Leather Rabbit likes this.
  6. Dzelda

    Dzelda Parsec Taste Tester

    According to the tweet, I dont think Molly will be with us much longer...

    And tbh the way the base has been acting, Im suprised shes put up with it for this long as it is. Awesome indeed.
  7. Tiy

    Tiy Lead Developer Chucklefish

    Had nothing to do with Molly, shes brilliant and an integral part of Chucklefish
  8. I'm not leaving, guys. :p Tiy's allowed more than one community manager friend. One of them happens to be looking for a job.

    There has been progress! Meaning we've been busy. In all honesty, it's been kind of a relief not having to worry about putting an update post together at 1am when everyone wants to go to bed/keep working (depending on how screwed up their sleep schedule is). Tiy said updates would resume on the 24th, so they will. He still doesn't have his fancypants internet so I'll just post the update myself.
  9. Namiwakiru

    Namiwakiru Black Hole Surfer

    Don't be silly, developers are not human so they don't have friends......it's kinda like when you saw your elementary teacher at the shopping mall and you were filled with wonder as to why a teacher of all creatures is mingling with the human folk instead of waiting back at the class room for Monday
    DevonDe, DeadlyLuvdisc and Havoc like this.

  10. Haha, I know you're joking but yeah, that whole attitude is common and it's kind of a problem. :p
    Teachers are human beings with lives of their own and so are game developers, doctors, retail workers, the clerk at the DMV, etc. If people would stop and consider that once in awhile, the world would be a nicer place.
  11. TheLoanArranger

    TheLoanArranger Ketchup Robot

    Clever joke about NPCs here
  12. Dzelda

    Dzelda Parsec Taste Tester

    Oh thank goodness. Id really miss you if you ever chose to leave us...
    Leather Rabbit likes this.
  13. greenskye

    greenskye Pangalactic Porcupine

    So happy you're not leaving Molly! I was worried for a bit there! ;)
    Leather Rabbit likes this.
  14. Choggo

    Choggo Void-Bound Voyager

    Have to agree, I've stopped following the updates daily and typically check the site about once a week now, I give them props for being so involved, I can't believe I'd ever say this but it's TMI.

    It's also hard to get an idea regarding the state of the game since they only talk about what's been done, not what's left.

    I also get the impression that the Dev team are perfectionist, while isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it seems like they want the game to be in a release state before allowing a public beta, which sort of defeats the purpose.
    Leather Rabbit likes this.
  15. ZangooseSlash

    ZangooseSlash Black Hole Surfer

    well, daily updates are always a day late for me.
    the 24th is 25 for me.
    starbound time is confusing, lol
  16. Jswizzy

    Jswizzy Poptop Tamer

    They have said many times that they want the first 3 tiers done before releasing a beta. I think people are confused because although most of the game is done that doesn't included the actual story and tiers being done it just means that most of the systems are in place and the assets are there. They are just assuming that when the Devs say something like the game is 90% complete that it is means that the game is 90% playable but that's not the case at all.
    Leather Rabbit likes this.
  17. Skarn

    Skarn Existential Complex

    Ever since the Po discussion, this forum has been overusing the word "shitstorm" for some reason. I can't imagine why.
    That was the initial guess, but it's gone back and forth on that a bit... >_>
  18. Bazoril

    Bazoril Void-Bound Voyager

    Fact is people don't always care, there's something i once heard that states that the unhappy minority are often the loudest since those that are happy often really have no reason to comment or complain. Don't let a few people make your experience with the community an unhappy one. I know a lot of the posts you folks on the dev team are reading in the forums are pretty negative and frankly I've been in your position. Just take a step back and take a breath for a minute and do a quick google of Starbound or visit reddit.


    Look at the Upvoted posts and they are all positive and look at the downvoted posts and they are the same kind of negative posts your dealing with here (and probably not as nasty). They are the minority... They are loud but they are clearly the minority.

    Also this minority may be angry or rude but as developers you still have to consider that some if not most of them really care about the game and just have a bad way of showing it. So maybe it would help you if you do the same and consider why these posts are being made. It's pretty hard to interact with the community with such negativity wearing you down but most of these posts are not malicious.

    Its really hard to see this stuff based on how you feel and react to a situation and you have to be careful that you don't view random disgruntled posters as "teachers" :p these are some of the same people who will be part of the community posting videos of starbound and active parts of the community later and you may be looking at them thinking "why are they here"

    I just hope the dev team doesn't let it color the community in a negative light, you folks are doing a great job and I'm hoping personally that you all stay just as you are.
  19. mxpsych

    mxpsych Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Nothing personal, but with that sample size you're making quite a broad claim. Of the dozen or so fans of Starbound I know, all of them but 1 are impatiently waiting the game and wondering what is happening. Those people don't come to the forums and post, despite having donated to Chucklefish. The 'one' by the way, is me.

    That's not to say that 'negative' people are right, or the majority, but don't be so quick to dismiss it as a "vocal minority" just based on something as unreliable as who liked a post. Likes and dislikes on forums are a popularity contest and often people get swayed by a post that already has a few likes and it can snowball quickly. Just look at reddit, a lot of subreddits have to hide scores to keep from mindless up or downvoting.
    enemarius86 and DeadlyLuvdisc like this.
  20. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    The subreddit used to be a bit nastier (at times) but seems to have been cleaning up recently.

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