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Why the fans are upset about Starbound

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Critwrench, Sep 17, 2013.

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  1. XaoG

    XaoG Ketchup Robot

    Sorry if I missed his point, but if that is his point? Then he HAS no point. Constant updates on a near daily basis isn't enough for him to put two and two together and figure out that maybe, just maybe the developers are hard at work on the game still and things are gonna take "quite a while?" Which is a term I use lightly because a two year development cycle for a brand new game developed from the ground up on its own engine is completely and utterly unsurprising. In fact, if it is surprising, it's surprising that it doesn't take significantly longer.
    Trowzers likes this.
  2. irongamer

    irongamer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  3. Vanishing

    Vanishing Zero Gravity Genie

    In your opinion those daily updates are valid communication with fans, in my opinion they are not. If you don't understand OP's point, why don't you go read it again, if you still don't understand his point, why speak up with such a confident that you do?
    Gaikang likes this.
  4. XanderKrohn

    XanderKrohn Void-Bound Voyager

    And SERIOUSLY, people like you make me wish I couldn't read. If you have nothing better to do than try and dismiss other people's emotions with your personal experiences, or try and convince us that we shouldn't be irritated because something worse is happening in the world, then get out. I see so many people exactly like you on these forums and I wish you'd just quit.

    Take your white knight self off your high horse, and learn some empathy. Or I will remove you from your saddle.
    Zody, LeifGram, Gaikang and 1 other person like this.
  5. XaoG

    XaoG Ketchup Robot

  6. Stylµs

    Stylµs Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm one of the 'angry fans' and yet I still feel like you're acting like a bunch of spoiled kids, (not all, but most.) You've noticed the pattern of miscommunication and yet you expect them to simply change their methods because you say so? No.. I've given up on expecting them to do the right thing and would not be surprised if this the replies within this thread caused even more animosity.

    As for Tiy's acrimony? Completely understandable if you read the way people are talking at him. Fair enough, he should probably just ignore it.. But if it were me? It would get a lot worse.

    (Edit: None of that was directed at the OP. Your post was spot on.)
  7. Detaill

    Detaill Space Spelunker

    Daily updates != A stand on release date for beta or a complete detraction of it.

    Chucklefish can continue to put out daily updates. They can put out hourly updates. But that gets us no where on whether they still stand by their projected release date for beta or whether they believe that they might miss it.

    That is all that OP is asking for. Some heads up on whether, "Yes, it is still planned for sometime this year, hopefully sooner than later," or, "Honestly, we might not get it out this year."

    If YOU are trying to make any points, you have made none that correlate to the OP, because the entire post has gone over your head.
    LeifGram and Vanishing like this.
  8. Vanishing

    Vanishing Zero Gravity Genie

    Galahaund likes this.
  9. Critwrench

    Critwrench Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    My point, sir, is not that the game is taking a long time. It is not that they are or are not hard at work. It is that most of the big questions, the questions that are important, are 'answered' only by rumor and slips of the tongue. They have community managers, they have staff that could devote an hour to answering the big important questions, or giving us the team's best answer on that front. You say it is 'unsurprising' that things will take quite a while, based on what you have gleaned from their daily updates.

    What I am saying is we should not have to glean for answers as important as these.
    DaviDeil, Kanthel, Zody and 4 others like this.
  10. XaoG

    XaoG Ketchup Robot

    It's more communication than any other development studio I can think of off hand has given its community. VALVe is one of the best game developers I can think of, and I WISH they would give us daily updates for an extended period of time for new games they release. In the 90s, you were lucky if magazines managed to get a single good interview with the developers making a game you were waiting for.

    I read his post. I understand it. It's garbage.
    Trowzers likes this.
  11. Detaill

    Detaill Space Spelunker

    Then it is probably a good thing that you are not handling PR for a company. ;)
    Gaikang and Stylµs like this.
  12. Vanishing

    Vanishing Zero Gravity Genie

    I have honestly read all your replies in this post, other than insult, you contributed shit.
  13. Roxy

    Roxy 2.7182818284590...

    So when someone does something wrong or something questionable, you should say nothing and sit there? If you give valid and positive criticism, that's not being spoiled, that's called being someone who supported the game by purchasing it and then making valid inquiries. How Tiy and his team perceives it is up to them, they can ignore it, they can come in with a clear head and learn from it or they can be close minded, brush it off and laugh.
    Gaikang and Pingeh like this.
  14. Detaill

    Detaill Space Spelunker

    Clearly, you haven't. The type of communication that is in the daily updates is completely moot to what OP was asking for. OP isn't talking about the daily updates at all. Maybe, he should've been more clear about what he meant when he said communication, because it has lost you on another route.
    Zody, LeifGram and Vanishing like this.
  15. hartraft

    hartraft Space Spelunker

    Can't it just be taken then that until we hear otherwise...the BETA will be released this year. That is my understanding.
  16. irongamer

    irongamer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    No, I just find it silly that people expect a small basically indie studio to hammer out deadlines when AAA title companies could not when they were indie and still cannot when they are AAA.
    Trowzers likes this.
  17. BigTeef

    BigTeef Aquatic Astronaut

    As much as I admit we give them shit, I don't think attacking them on twitter is the best idea. Lets leave that on other message boards.
    I mean Phil Fish lost his shit because every waking moment was somebody criticizing him, now its his fault that it happened and his personality rivals hipster trash.

    However, I don't think any normal person can operate with death threats in their email granted if they are earned or not.
    If somebody gives you money to help you create something that you always wanted to make, you better be damn grateful, not everyone has the ability to give money on ideas alone.

    And in my opinion, I think you should worship the people who sign your checks.
    Because without us the consumers, you would be forced into a job you hate working for people you hate more.

    So if your backers ask whats happening, you don't hide it and say its a surprise.
    In-fact you owe them, because without them you would not have even made it past the first stage.

    So can we please stop the secret society nonsense?
    Or do we continue sinking?

    Because frankly, your only hurting yourselves.
    Especially when people keep asking for refunds.
  18. bartwe

    bartwe Code Cowboy

    You did help make the game get out faster, when we did the preorder i was looking for a fulltime dayjob because my savings had run out.
    Thank you for allowing me and others on the team to continue to make this game a reality without the need for dayjobs.
    Zyloss, Kyle873, illwac and 26 others like this.
  19. Skudge

    Skudge Void-Bound Voyager

    Implying that I don't care any less about starbound, cute. I care about starbound quite a bit, enough so that when I had the cash flow I chucked a hefty sum of money their way greater than the badge I have would imply. I just have that phenomenal supernatural ability to step back and, y'know, put that perspective thing into play and not get buttmad about petty things.

    ^ Case and point. Also, [​IMG]
    Noobih, riseoflegends, Rrueya and 3 others like this.
  20. Stylµs

    Stylµs Phantasmal Quasar

    Totally! Neither should he, in my opinion. Look at what happened with that Phil Fish guy. Most devs should get others to handle PR. :p
    Detaill likes this.
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