17th August Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by GeorgeV, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. leax256

    leax256 Space Penguin Leader

    Tassina and core have "liked" almost every post...why?
    Svarr Chanston and Daashi like this.
  2. Jackorias

    Jackorias Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I tend to notice this near the start of most update threads.... Everyone just gets likes from the same two people over and over.
    Svarr Chanston likes this.
  3. Prymael

    Prymael Big Damn Hero

    Most likely because it is easier to agree with someone who has posted an opinion they agree with rather than typing it out again, plus it is nice to receive likes on one's post knowing it is appreciated by another who is like minded. I know it definitely cheers me a bit when it happens.
  4. Daldingo

    Daldingo Void-Bound Voyager

    I think you're missing the point. It's not about why people in general like a post. The question is more like, why are these particular two liking everything that gets posted.
    Svarr Chanston likes this.
  5. Prymael

    Prymael Big Damn Hero

    If that's the point then I'd have to disagree with it anyway simply because they aren't randomly liking everything, in fact past page 3 of the comments tassina hasn't liked anything at all as far as I could see, I didn't check on core yet. If you check, tassina has yet to actually post a reply beyond what is written on their own profile, though it's clear they enjoy supporting comments through likes rather than replies.
    Core, Svarr Chanston and tassina like this.
  6. Lord Hatty

    Lord Hatty Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Tassina makes me feel fuzzy inside whenever he/she likes my comments :rofl:
    It's almost like a famous person, just because of how many other people's comments he/she likes. :giggle:
  7. pataplains123

    pataplains123 Void-Bound Voyager

    Did anybody else noticed that it just says:

    "Oh, here’s a picture to me dying horribly to a boss. I may have cropped it too much."

    He doesn´t mention that is the first boss, I might be wrong, but maybe they´ve been working on other bosses and they are keeping it secretly​
    Core, Svarr Chanston and Axe Garian like this.
  8. iand785

    iand785 Tentacle Wrangler

    I smeel beta. And i can't wait for insomnia too.
    Core and Svarr Chanston like this.
  9. Kalrirr

    Kalrirr Big Damn Hero

    My apologies if this has been asked before but... Will the insomnia demo be live-streamed?
    Core, Svarr Chanston and tassina like this.
  10. Prymael

    Prymael Big Damn Hero

    http://insomniagamingfestival.com/news/i49/page/3/ From what it says here it will be, further than whether or not it will be available from this site itself I have no idea.
    Core, Svarr Chanston and tassina like this.
  11. Sturgioni

    Sturgioni Orbital Explorer

    I don't get why we are being told there are "old" graphics being updated with "new" ones when there hasn't been anyone seeing or using the graphic. I would understand why it would be relevant to tell us if we were playing the beta and all of a sudden my armor changed or my weapon looked different, but this seems like very unnecessary filler to the update which could have had at least some new information in it.
    Though if you really get down to it, a lot of the updates (and especially this one) are unhelpful and filler-y. It's good to know bugs are being fixed and it's good to know that work is being done and wrinkles are being ironed, but a lot of these bugs would have probably been routed out a long time ago if a beta was released and there was a bug form to fill in when things like this were found.
    By this point, NOT having a beta is slowing down the team. They must be putting a lot of man hours into playing the game looking for bugs and then even more getting rid of them, having the entire million dollar fanbase searching for bugs in a beta they payed collectively a million dollars for would speed up the debugging process fantastically. Also we would get a beta to play.
    Everyone wins.
    Svarr Chanston likes this.
  12. cardboardsea

    cardboardsea Tentacle Wrangler

    what is the "new Tile Bag", i dont understand.
    Svarr Chanston likes this.
  13. Calris

    Calris Existential Complex

    By my reading of the daily updates, they are not specifically hunting for bugs, they are merely fixing them as they come across them while engaged in other work. They certainly seem busy enough that they don't need our help in giving them any more work to do.
  14. Lord Hatty

    Lord Hatty Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You're kinda alone on this one, especially judging that you probably didn't pay attention to the fact that Tiy and Bartwe and Omni are streaming all the time.
  15. Ryzin

    Ryzin Seal Broken

    I hope that the boss will be challenging ^.^ Having a somewhat challenging boss in the beginning of the game really sets the mood for the rest of the game, it shouldn't be a complete walk in the park
  16. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Speak for yourself.
    Core, Svarr Chanston and Shadowbolt like this.
  17. Prymael

    Prymael Big Damn Hero

    Core and Svarr Chanston like this.
  18. Davosalm

    Davosalm Aquatic Astronaut

    Core and Svarr Chanston like this.
  19. Jarod

    Jarod Cosmic Narwhal

    robor godzilla.jpg
    first boss defineitely
  20. Shalderave

    Shalderave Big Damn Hero

    So........................ what? He's been livestreaming with Molly for quite a while, Curtis Schweitzer even made a special appearance. They obviously need a server to play together.
    Core and Svarr Chanston like this.

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