G'day im Liam

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by 2DBurrito, Aug 18, 2013.


What do you think about the Community?

  1. Warm, friendly, and suggestive

  2. I think they want to steal my children

  3. Ugly, who cares, delcious

  4. THEIR ALL MY BEST FRIENDS, i know where you live >:)

  5. I can smell you.........

  1. 2DBurrito

    2DBurrito Star Wrangler

    I know people who have been on this forum for over a year, still haven't joined faction
    Core likes this.
  2. 2DBurrito

    2DBurrito Star Wrangler

    Good days, good days. Follow me on twitter as well, if you wnat. Sorry just trying to friend as many people as i can, ones to me sound friendly enough to follow
    Core likes this.
  3. Tectal

    Tectal Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Arrrrrghhh, matey! Welcome to the forums!

    I mean, G'day mate. I'm not Australian, but I can sense them. They're all over the place. Good thing I love the Australian accent :D! Party!

    Cya around.
    Core likes this.
  4. Daashi

    Daashi Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Oh . . . do you have Spidey-sense? Awesome!
    Core likes this.
  5. Tectal

    Tectal Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yus! You may refer to it as, "his strange Aussie sense!" Amongst my other powers: I emit short bursts of cold air every four seconds from my pores. It repels predators.
    Core likes this.
  6. Daashi

    Daashi Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Not Aussie pests or predators. Shoving your head into the fridge/freezer is a common thing to do during the sweltering heat.
    Core likes this.
  7. Tectal

    Tectal Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Where I'm from predators freeze upon advance. It's much more impressive.
    Core likes this.
  8. Sousuke Kuroda

    Sousuke Kuroda Spaceman Spiff

    I have 19 tally wackers
    Core likes this.
  9. Daashi

    Daashi Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Is that an euphemism?
    Core likes this.
  10. Sousuke Kuroda

    Sousuke Kuroda Spaceman Spiff

    Thats the secret.
    Core likes this.
  11. failcake

    failcake Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hai bro :)!
    Welcome to the forums :D fellow gamer!
    Core likes this.
  12. Hello there Aussie, welcome to our community! ;)
    Certainly not stealing my kids, but surely my bacon!

    I'm Mr.Bacon, the Official Bacon of Starbound. If you ever need some Bacon, just Call Me! :proper:
    If you wish you can join a clan, iLoveBacons is a friendly one where you can chat, ask your questions and have fun!
    Core and 2DBurrito like this.

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