24th July Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Evithlia

    Evithlia Weight of the Sky

    We can cook something while we wait... :unsure:
    Talnochan and Bacon like this.
  2. Deadlyapples

    Deadlyapples Zero Gravity Genie

    Brilliant. Let's Start that now IronLotus
  3. Maxx2079

    Maxx2079 Space Spelunker

    I like the second one down the most.
    Tyrindor, Xyth and Games4Playing like this.
  4. RandallManSandles

    RandallManSandles Orbital Explorer

  5. Ignis

    Ignis 2.7182818284590...

    I can't help but wonder though... Given the sheer dedication of the chucklefish team and the obvious break of a pattern, something MUST be up. Maybe Beta, maybe something else.
    I have this nudging feeling that if they were taking a day off, well needed and without a doubt well earned, I'm sure they'd give us a heads up. They've been feeding us tidbits of information daily for quite a while now, and whilte they did promise only to try, I can't help but notice how this is breaking a well established pattern.

    We are suddenly finding ourselves in interesting times indeed...
    RomyCat and Canopus like this.
  6. Minnigin

    Minnigin Phantasmal Quasar

    True story..

    Us : [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Chucklefish Team : [​IMG]
  7. This font sounds nice:
    But it's not inside that "pixel style".

    Then the font starbound can use that it sounds more easy to read....
  8. Dougfunny3

    Dougfunny3 Master Chief

    Listening to some Smooth Mcgroove while I wait for my starbound fix!
  9. Deadlyapples

    Deadlyapples Zero Gravity Genie

    If they are doing that then I wish to join them :) !
  10. MDoubleM

    MDoubleM Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You can't sell stuff that you do not own. (Unless you have permission from the owner) I'm also pretty sure that devs would like to make their own font instead of downloading one from website like dafont.

    Btw I don't think that the font that is already in starbound needs to be replaced, it's cool and I have no problem with reading it.
  11. Canopus

    Canopus Zero Gravity Genie

    One of my initial thoughts when I read that no devs or mods were on for a bit (is it that way now?) was that they were all playing at once to give the mods a chance to experience it and be better able to play it up for a potential Beta Release Date.
  12. Zayev

    Zayev Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The game is moddable via LUA code, change what you wish. Or, if you have not the technical know-how, wait for someone of like mind to do the work for you.
  13. Ignis

    Ignis 2.7182818284590...

    That does sound plausible. A thought that hit me is that this may well be a little experiment on Tiy's part, like the "hidden message" thing.
    Canopus likes this.
  14. Maxx2079

    Maxx2079 Space Spelunker

    >.> Just Saiyan...
    carcrasher65 likes this.
  15. Ol joe

    Ol joe Orbital Explorer

    They all collapased from severe insomnia you ungrateful beta junkies
    Axe Garian, Tauntaun_Taffer and Ignis like this.
  16. Fuzzy Sasquatch

    Fuzzy Sasquatch Orbital Explorer

    Maybe they listened to this guy.
    Ping and Sheerhatred like this.
  17. SpeedXaaa

    SpeedXaaa Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I dont believe i could have worded this better myself. I was pissed about it this morning a little bit, but now im pretty excitrd. I mean, whether this is beta or something else, im excited to see what the devs have to say. Because, like you said, while they never promised to update us daily, this isba sudden and strange trend break. I hope its that something big is going down, but i would nderstand if the devs were just taking a hard earned break.

    Ugh, i apologize for all the typos. I blame my phone.
    Canopus likes this.
  18. Deadlyapples

    Deadlyapples Zero Gravity Genie

    I feel bad now assuming things. I hope they are taking a break and just chilling somewhere. :)
  19. Zayev

    Zayev Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    "There's guys' been awake since the Second World War."
    killpay and carcrasher65 like this.
  20. Tyrindor

    Tyrindor Space Kumquat

    2nd font is by far the best imo.
    Ping likes this.

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